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About Module 4

5 February, 2024

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Module 4 combines theory and practice, teaching two therapy methods developed by Dr. Nader specifically for treating fears and phobias originating in trauma (whether it occurred in this life or in a previous one).

Up till now we have learned how to diagnose and detect emotional crises in the physical body, and from this point onward we will begin addressing the treatment phase of the method. We will familiarize ourselves with the Unified Integrative Medicine treatment method and learn when and how to implement its techniques. Additionally, we will learn how emotional crises can be processed, and how the learning and development process can be completed, to achieve healing and wellbeing.

We will learn about:

  • Mental disorders – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxieties, phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), the memory creation mechanism, and fear conditioning.
  • Healing and liberating oneself from phobias and fears using the FEEL method.
  • Healing and liberating oneself from phobias from previous reincarnations via the TTRT method.

As Module 4 also covers practical learning of treatment methods, it includes both theoretical lessons (via Zoom), and frontal learning within the framework of a dedicated retreat (as part of Module 6).

Who is the course suitable for?

The course is intended for those wishing to take the first step toward practical treatment. Module 4 includes highly effective therapeutic tools, which provide a response to extremely common issues. If you are already a therapist, this module will broaden your toolbox very significantly.

If you are focused on personal development and healing, this module serves as a gateway, or a bridge between consciousness (where one identifies and diagnoses what holds them back and/or generates suffering) and the practical facet – of self-treatment, liberation and actual development.

And there is also an additional, incredibly important and meaningful aspect – the course is suitable not only for those interested in gaining a more in-depth understanding of how the human mind works, but also for those who are ready to discard the curtain between the material world and the spiritual world, and are prepared to expose themselves to the spiritual dimension in which the soul resides.

* The course is offered only to those who have completed Module 3 and have received a Certificate of Participation.


The theoretical learning component of Module 4 is comprised of 4 three-hour Zoom lessons. The practical learning component takes place within the framework of a retreat of a single weekend.
The sessions will be held on the following dates and times (CET):

Session 1:

Diagnosis and treatment in Unified Integrative Medicine

Monday, 5 February 2024, 18:00-21:00

The different stages in diagnosing the three parts of the soul and treating them. Introduction to the TTRT & FEEL treatment methods, and when they can be used.

Session 2:

Mental disorders (traumas and fears) from the unified integrative perspective

Monday, 12 February 2024, 18:00-21:00

How trauma is created, what PTSD is, the connection to the four stages of life and the vicious circle. The differences between fear, phobia, panic and anxiety. Types of fear and anxieties and their connection to emotional crises. Obsessions and external spiritual influence.

Session 3:

Liberating oneself from fears and traumas – the FEEL method

Monday, 19 February 2024, 18:00-21:00

Who the treatment is suitable for, and in which cases we use FEEL, as opposed to TTRT. How the treatment works – reviewing the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the protocol. The stimulus (touch) points and the connection to the centers and meridians. Live demonstrations and experiencing remotely.

Session 4:

Liberating oneself from fears and traumas – the TTRT method

Monday, 26 February 2024, 18:00-21:00

The connection between unexplained fears and reincarnation. In which cases we use TTRT, as opposed to FEEL. How the treatment works – reviewing the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the protocol. Live demonstrations and experiencing remotely. Using TTRT and FEEL to treat children.

Practical Retreat

As part of Module 6 (3 days, in Europe)

In Module 6 a concentrated practical retreat (3 study days, 2 nights) will take place. Within its framework, the participants will learn and practice the treatment practices that they have learned: FEEL & TTRT, as well as energetic washout (which is taught in Module 6). The retreat includes live demonstrations, work in groups and exercises in pairs.

* At the end of the course, module graduates (who have successfully passed the final exam) receive a “Certificate of Participation – Module 4”.

* Personal study assignments will be given between the weekly sessions, to be carried out in each student’s free time (the assignments must be completed before the next session).

* The final exam will take place after the course ends, digitally – using an educational software system, at each student’s convenience (up until two weeks after the course ends).

The Cost of Module 4:

€ 550
  • The price does not cover the cost of the retreat (which takes place within the framework of Module 6).
  • Registration is conditional on the approval of the course terms and conditions
  • The number of participants is limited.
  • Please note: Acceptance is subject to receipt of email confirmation.
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suffering is unnecessary

Study Format

The study track is divided into 7 modules, each of which focuses on a specific field of ​​knowledge, and imparts the body of knowledge required for the next module. In order to progress from one module to the next, they must be studied in the proper order (without skipping modules).

Modules 1-5 are taught digitally, via Zoom, by Dr. Nader himself. Each module is comprised of 4 three-hour lessons.

In these lessons, Dr. Nader teaches, presents and demonstrates the diverse aspects of Unified Integrative Medicine, from the philosophical facet, through the scientific facet to the mental, energetic and spiritual facet. All this, while transferring extensive knowhow, backed by scientific data, research studies, live demonstrations, and more.

Module 4 (in which participants also study the practical aspects of treatment techniques), combines digital learning in Zoom lessons (4 Zoom lessons, along with the learning system, of course), and frontal instruction, within the framework of a retreat, which takes place as part of the retreat of Module 6 (a retreat comprising 3 study days in Budapest, Hungery.

The learning process via Zoom is supported by an advanced digital learning system, through which one can watch recordings of the lessons, access study material, execute assignments, take exams and ask the support team questions – covering both study content and technical issues.

Module 6 (which also includes the practical aspects of treatment techniques), combines digital learning via Zoom lessons (along with the learning system, of course), and frontal learning within the framework of a retreat comprising 3 full study days in Budapest, Hungery.

Module 7 is comprised of a frontal, experiential retreat of 7 days, including room and board. It covers learning about the spiritual world and practical experiences in spiritual rituals.

As in the case of all modules, Dr. Butto teaches modules 6+7 himself, assisted by a team of senor therapists.

Become a Certified Therapist

The Unified Integrative Medicine study track developed by Dr. Nader Butto is professionally supported and delivered by Dr. Butto himself, and is the exclusive study program for learning and receiving a certification in unified integrative medicine.

The study track is comprised of 7 modules + a practical certification track, which imparts to students the full spectrum of the training program, covering theory and practice, necessary to train them as integrative therapists in the method.

The practical certification track is a training period of approximately six months. It includes practical exercises and the acquisition of more in-depth professional knowledge in fields such as psychosomatics, the Human Code,

energetic and physical pathology, the patient-therapist relationship, professional ethics and more. The track is delivered in hybrid format – Zoom lessons, concentrated in-person retreats (in several locations around the world, depending on the language), and is supported by certified professional mentors.

The track advocates a way of learning and way of life that are based on love, giving, meaning and health. All this, while encouraging (and challenging) students to expand their personal knowledge of themselves in their development journey and destiny.

After completing the practical training program and the internship, and after successfully passing the theoretical and practical exams, students are officially certified to practice Unified Integrative Medicine.
